Source code for RAPIDpy.gis.muskingum

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
##  RAPIDpy
##  Created by Alan D Snow.
##  Copyright © 2016 Alan D Snow. All rights reserved.
##  License: BSD 3-Clause

from csv import reader as csv_reader
from csv import writer as csv_writer
import numpy as np
from past.builtins import xrange

    from osgeo import gdal, ogr
except Exception:
    raise Exception("You need the gdal python package to run this tool ...")

# Enable GDAL/OGR exceptions
from ..helper_functions import csv_to_list, open_csv

[docs]def CreateMuskingumKfacFile(in_drainage_line, river_id, length_id, slope_id, celerity, formula_type, in_connectivity_file, out_kfac_file, length_units="km", slope_percentage=False, file_geodatabase=None): """ Creates the Kfac file for calibration. The improved methods using slope to generate values for Kfac were proven here: Tavakoly, A. A., A. D. Snow, C. H. David, M. L. Follum, D. R. Maidment, and Z.-L. Yang, (2016) "Continental-Scale River Flow Modeling of the Mississippi River Basin Using High-Resolution NHDPlus Dataset", Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-22. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12456 Formula Type Options: 1. River Length/Celerity; 2. Eta*River Length/Sqrt(River Slope); and 3 is 3. Eta*River Length/Sqrt(River Slope) [0.05, 0.95] Where Eta = Average(River Length/Co of all rivers) / Average(River Length/Sqrt(River Slope) of all rivers) Args: in_drainage_line(str): Path to the stream network (i.e. Drainage Line) shapefile. river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'HydroID', 'COMID', or 'LINKNO'). length_id(str): The field name containging the length of the river segment (Ex. 'LENGTHKM' or 'Length'). slope_id(str): The field name containging the slope of the river segment (Ex. 'Avg_Slope' or 'Slope'). celerity(float): The flow wave celerity for the watershed in meters per second. 1 km/hr or 1000.0/3600.0 m/s is a reasonable value if unknown. formula_type(int): An integer representing the formula type to use when calculating kfac. in_connectivity_file(str): The path to the RAPID connectivity file. out_kfac_file(str): The path to the output kfac file. length_units(Optional[str]): The units for the length_id field. Supported types are "m" for meters and "km" for kilometers. slope_percentage(Optional[bool]): If True, it assumes the slope given is in percentage and will divide by 100. Default is False. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.muskingum import CreateMuskingumKfacFile #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": CreateMuskingumKfacFile(in_drainage_line='/path/to/drainageline.shp', river_id='LINKNO', length_id='Length', slope_id='Slope', celerity=1000.0/3600.0, formula_type=3, in_connectivity_file='/path/to/rapid_connect.csv', out_kfac_file='/path/to/kfac.csv', length_units="m", ) """ if file_geodatabase: gdb_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") ogr_file_geodatabase = gdb_driver.Open(file_geodatabase) ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr = ogr_file_geodatabase.GetLayer(in_drainage_line) else: ogr_drainage_line_shapefile = ogr.Open(in_drainage_line) ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr = ogr_drainage_line_shapefile.GetLayer() number_of_features = ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr.GetFeatureCount() river_id_list = np.zeros(number_of_features, dtype=np.int32) length_list = np.zeros(number_of_features, dtype=np.float32) slope_list = np.zeros(number_of_features, dtype=np.float32) for feature_idx, drainage_line_feature in enumerate(ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr): river_id_list[feature_idx] = drainage_line_feature.GetField(river_id) length = drainage_line_feature.GetField(length_id) if length is not None: length_list[feature_idx] = length slope = drainage_line_feature.GetField(slope_id) if slope is not None: slope_list[feature_idx] = slope if slope_percentage: slope_list /= 100.0 if length_units == "m": length_list /= 1000.0 elif length_units != "km": raise Exception("ERROR: Invalid length units supplied. Supported units are m and km.") connectivity_table = np.loadtxt(in_connectivity_file, delimiter=",", ndmin=2, dtype=int) length_slope_array = [] kfac2_array = [] if formula_type == 1: print("River Length/Celerity") elif formula_type == 2: print("Eta*River Length/Sqrt(River Slope)") elif formula_type == 3: print("Eta*River Length/Sqrt(River Slope) [0.05, 0.95]") else: raise Exception("Invalid formula type. Valid range: 1-3 ...") with open_csv(out_kfac_file,'w') as kfacfile: kfac_writer = csv_writer(kfacfile) for row in connectivity_table: streamID = int(float(row[0])) streamIDindex = river_id_list==streamID # find the length stream_length = length_list[streamIDindex]*1000.0 if formula_type >= 2: # find the slope stream_slope = slope_list[streamIDindex] if stream_slope <= 0: #if no slope, take average of upstream and downstream to get it nextDownID = int(float(row[1])) next_down_slope = 0 try: next_down_index = np.where(river_id_list==nextDownID)[0][0] next_down_slope = slope_list[next_down_index] except IndexError: pass nextUpID = int(float(row[3])) next_up_slope = 0 try: next_up_index = np.where(river_id_list==nextUpID)[0][0] next_up_slope = slope_list[next_up_index] except IndexError: pass stream_slope = (next_down_slope+next_up_slope)/2.0 if stream_slope <=0: #if still no slope, set to 0.001 stream_slope = 0.001 length_slope_array.append(stream_length/stream_slope**0.5) kfac2_array.append(stream_length/celerity) else: kfac = stream_length/celerity kfac_writer.writerow(kfac) if formula_type >= 2: if formula_type == 3: print("Filtering Data by 5th and 95th Percentiles ...") length_slope_array = np.array(length_slope_array) percentile_5 = np.percentile(length_slope_array, 5) percentile_95 = np.percentile(length_slope_array, 95) length_slope_array[length_slope_array<percentile_5] = percentile_5 length_slope_array[length_slope_array>percentile_95] = percentile_95 eta = np.mean(kfac2_array) / np.mean(length_slope_array) print("Kfac2_Avg {0}".format(np.mean(kfac2_array))) print("Length_Slope Avg {0}".format( np.mean(length_slope_array))) print("Eta {0}".format(eta)) print("Writing Data ...") for len_slope in length_slope_array: kfac_writer.writerow(eta*len_slope)
[docs]def CreateMuskingumKFile(lambda_k, in_kfac_file, out_k_file): """ Creates muskingum k file from kfac file. Args: lambda_k(float): The value for lambda given from RAPID after the calibration process. If no calibration has been performed, 0.35 is reasonable. in_kfac_file(str): The path to the input kfac file. out_k_file(str): The path to the output k file. Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.muskingum import CreateMuskingumKFile #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": CreateMuskingumKFile(lambda_k=0.35, in_kfac_file='/path/to/kfac.csv', out_k_file='/path/to/k.csv', ) """ kfac_table = csv_to_list(in_kfac_file) with open_csv(out_k_file,'w') as kfile: k_writer = csv_writer(kfile) for row in kfac_table: k_writer.writerow([lambda_k*float(row[0])])
[docs]def CreateMuskingumXFileFromDranageLine(in_drainage_line, x_id, out_x_file, file_geodatabase=None): """ Create muskingum X file from drainage line. Args: in_drainage_line(str): Path to the stream network (i.e. Drainage Line) shapefile. x_id(str): The name of the muksingum X field (i.e. 'Musk_x'). out_x_file(str): The path to the output x file. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.muskingum import CreateMuskingumXFileFromDranageLine #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": CreateMuskingumXFileFromDranageLine(in_drainage_line='/path/to/drainageline.shp', x_id='Musk_x', out_x_file='/path/to/x.csv', ) """ if file_geodatabase: gdb_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB") ogr_file_geodatabase = gdb_driver.Open(file_geodatabase) ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr = ogr_file_geodatabase.GetLayer(in_drainage_line) else: ogr_drainage_line_shapefile = ogr.Open(in_drainage_line) ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr = ogr_drainage_line_shapefile.GetLayer() with open_csv(out_x_file,'w') as kfile: x_writer = csv_writer(kfile) for drainage_line_feature in ogr_drainage_line_shapefile_lyr: x_writer.writerow([drainage_line_feature.GetField(x_id)])
[docs]def CreateConstMuskingumXFile(x_value, in_connectivity_file, out_x_file): """ Create muskingum X file from value that is constant all the way through for each river segment. Args: x_value(float): Value for the muskingum X parameter [0-0.5]. in_connectivity_file(str): The path to the RAPID connectivity file. out_x_file(str): The path to the output x file. Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.muskingum import CreateConstMuskingumXFile #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == "__main__": CreateConstMuskingumXFile(x_value=0.3, in_connectivity_file='/path/to/rapid_connect.csv', out_x_file='/path/to/x.csv', ) """ num_rivers = 0 with open_csv(in_connectivity_file, "r") as csvfile: reader = csv_reader(csvfile) for row in reader: num_rivers+=1 with open_csv(out_x_file,'w') as kfile: x_writer = csv_writer(kfile) for idx in xrange(num_rivers): x_writer.writerow([x_value])