Source code for RAPIDpy.gis.weight

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
##  RAPIDpy
##  Created by Alan D Snow.
##  Based on RAPID_Toolbox for ArcMap
##  Copyright © 2016 Alan D Snow. All rights reserved.
##  License: BSD 3-Clause

import csv
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np

    from pyproj import Proj, transform
    from shapely.wkb import loads as shapely_loads
    from shapely.ops import transform as shapely_transform
    from shapely.geos import TopologicalError
    import rtree #
    from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
except Exception:
    raise Exception("You need the gdal, pyproj, shapely, and rtree python package to run these tools ...")

from .voronoi import pointsToVoronoiGridArray
from ..helper_functions import open_csv


def get_poly_area_geo(poly):
    Calculates the area in meters squared of the individual polygon
    minx, miny, maxx, maxy = poly.bounds
    #reproject polygon to get area
    reprojected_for_area = Proj("+proj=aea +lat_1={0} +lat_1={1} +lat_0={2} +lon_0={3}".format(miny,
    geographic_proj = Proj(init='epsg:4326')
    project_func = partial(transform,
    reprojected_poly = shapely_transform(project_func, poly)
    return reprojected_poly.area

def _get_lat_lon_indices(lsm_lat_array, lsm_lon_array, lat, lon):
    Determines the index in the array (1D or 2D) where the 
    lat/lon point is
    if lsm_lat_array.ndim == 2 and lsm_lon_array.ndim == 2:
        lsm_lat_indices_from_lat, lsm_lon_indices_from_lat = np.where((lsm_lat_array == lat))
        lsm_lat_indices_from_lon, lsm_lon_indices_from_lon = np.where((lsm_lon_array == lon))

        index_lsm_grid_lat = np.intersect1d(lsm_lat_indices_from_lat, lsm_lat_indices_from_lon)[0]
        index_lsm_grid_lon = np.intersect1d(lsm_lon_indices_from_lat, lsm_lon_indices_from_lon)[0]
    elif lsm_lat_array.ndim == 1 and lsm_lon_array.ndim == 1:
        index_lsm_grid_lon = np.where(lsm_lon_array == lon)[0][0]
        index_lsm_grid_lat = np.where(lsm_lat_array == lat)[0][0]
        raise IndexError("Lat/Lon lists have invalid dimensions. Only 1D or 2D arrays allowed ...")
    return index_lsm_grid_lat, index_lsm_grid_lon     

def find_nearest(array, value):
    Get the nearest index to value searching for
    return (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
def RTreeCreateWeightTable(lsm_grid_lat, lsm_grid_lon, 
                           in_catchment_shapefile, river_id,
                           in_rapid_connect, out_weight_table,
                           file_geodatabase=None, area_id=None):
    Create Weight Table for Land Surface Model Grids
    time_start_all = datetime.utcnow()    

    if lsm_grid_lat.ndim == 3 and lsm_grid_lon.ndim == 3:
        #assume first dimension is time
        lsm_grid_lat = lsm_grid_lat[0]
        lsm_grid_lon = lsm_grid_lon[0]
    print("Generating LSM Grid Thiessen Array ...")
    if file_geodatabase:
        gdb_driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("OpenFileGDB")
        ogr_file_geodatabase = gdb_driver.Open(file_geodatabase, 0)
        ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr = ogr_file_geodatabase.GetLayer(in_catchment_shapefile)
        ogr_catchment_shapefile = ogr.Open(in_catchment_shapefile)
        ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr = ogr_catchment_shapefile.GetLayer()
    ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr_proj = ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr.GetSpatialRef()
    original_catchment_proj = Proj(ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr_proj.ExportToProj4())
    geographic_proj =  Proj(init='EPSG:4326') #geographic
    extent = ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr.GetExtent()
    if original_catchment_proj != geographic_proj:
        x, y = transform(original_catchment_proj,
                         [extent[0], extent[1]], 
                         [extent[2], extent[3]])
        extent = [min(x), max(x), min(y), max(y)]
    lsm_grid_feature_list = pointsToVoronoiGridArray(lsm_grid_lat, lsm_grid_lon, extent)
#    import os
#    from .voronoi import pointsToVoronoiGridShapefile
#    vor_shp_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(in_catchment_shapefile), "test_grid.shp")
#    pointsToVoronoiGridShapefile(lsm_grid_lat, lsm_grid_lon, vor_shp_path, extent)
    time_end_lsm_grid_thiessen = datetime.utcnow()
    print(time_end_lsm_grid_thiessen - time_start_all)
    print("Generating LSM Grid Rtree ...")
    rtree_idx = rtree.index.Index()
    # Populate R-tree index with bounds of ECMWF grid cells
    for lsm_grid_pos, lsm_grid_feature in enumerate(lsm_grid_feature_list):
        rtree_idx.insert(lsm_grid_pos, lsm_grid_feature['polygon'].bounds)
    time_end_lsm_grid_rtree = datetime.utcnow()
    print(time_end_lsm_grid_rtree - time_end_lsm_grid_thiessen)
    print("Retrieving catchment river id list ...")
    number_of_catchment_features = ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr.GetFeatureCount()
    catchment_rivid_list = np.zeros(number_of_catchment_features, dtype=np.int32)
    for feature_idx, catchment_feature in enumerate(ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr):
        catchment_rivid_list[feature_idx] = catchment_feature.GetField(river_id)
    print("Reading in RAPID connect file ...")
    rapid_connect_rivid_list = np.loadtxt(in_rapid_connect, 
    print("Find LSM grid cells that intersect with each catchment")
    print("and write out weight table ...")
    dummy_lat_index, dummy_lon_index = _get_lat_lon_indices(lsm_grid_lat, lsm_grid_lon, 
    dummy_row_end = [0,
    with open_csv(out_weight_table, 'w') as csvfile:
        connectwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
        connectwriter.writerow(['rivid', 'area_sqm', 'lon_index', 'lat_index', 
                                'npoints', 'lsm_grid_lon', 'lsm_grid_lat'])
        geographic_proj =  Proj(init='EPSG:4326') #geographic
        osr_geographic_proj = osr.SpatialReference()
        proj_transform = None
        if original_catchment_proj != geographic_proj:
            proj_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr_proj, osr_geographic_proj)
        for rapid_connect_rivid in rapid_connect_rivid_list:
            intersect_grid_info_list = []
                catchment_pos = np.where(catchment_rivid_list==rapid_connect_rivid)[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                #if it is not in the catchment, add dummy row in its place
                connectwriter.writerow([rapid_connect_rivid] + dummy_row_end)
            get_catchment_feature = ogr_catchment_shapefile_lyr.GetFeature(catchment_pos)
            feat_geom = get_catchment_feature.GetGeometryRef()
            #make sure coordinates are geographic
            if proj_transform:
            catchment_polygon = shapely_loads(feat_geom.ExportToWkb())

            for sub_lsm_grid_pos in rtree_idx.intersection(catchment_polygon.bounds):
                lsm_grid_polygon = lsm_grid_feature_list[sub_lsm_grid_pos]['polygon']
                if catchment_polygon.intersects(lsm_grid_polygon):
                        intersect_poly = catchment_polygon.intersection(lsm_grid_polygon)
                    except TopologicalError:
                        print('INFO: The catchment polygon with id {0} was invalid. Attempting to self clean...'.format(rapid_connect_rivid))
                        original_area = catchment_polygon.area
                        catchment_polygon = catchment_polygon.buffer(0)
                        area_ratio = original_area/catchment_polygon.area
                        print('AREA_RATIO', area_ratio)
                        msg_level = "INFO"
                        if round(area_ratio, 5) != 1:
                            msg_level = "WARNING"
                        print('{0}: The cleaned catchment polygon area differs from the'
                              ' original area by {1}%.'.format(msg_level, abs(area_ratio - 1)))
                        intersect_poly = catchment_polygon.intersection(lsm_grid_polygon)
                    if not area_id:
                        #attempt to calculate AREA
                        poly_area = get_poly_area_geo(intersect_poly)
                        poly_area = float(get_catchment_feature.GetField(area_id))*intersect_poly.area/catchment_polygon.area

                    index_lsm_grid_lat, index_lsm_grid_lon = _get_lat_lon_indices(lsm_grid_lat, lsm_grid_lon, 
                    intersect_grid_info_list.append({'rivid' : rapid_connect_rivid,
                                                     'area' : poly_area,
                                                     'lsm_grid_lat': lsm_grid_feature_list[sub_lsm_grid_pos]['lat'],
                                                     'lsm_grid_lon': lsm_grid_feature_list[sub_lsm_grid_pos]['lon'],
                                                     'index_lsm_grid_lon': index_lsm_grid_lon,
                                                     'index_lsm_grid_lat': index_lsm_grid_lat})

            npoints = len(intersect_grid_info_list)
            #If no intersection found, add dummy row
            if(npoints <=0):
                connectwriter.writerow([rapid_connect_rivid] + dummy_row_end)
            for intersect_grid_info in intersect_grid_info_list:
    time_end_all = datetime.utcnow()                                        
    print(time_end_all - time_end_lsm_grid_rtree)
    print("TOTAL TIME: {0}".format(time_end_all - time_start_all))  

[docs]def CreateWeightTableECMWF(in_ecmwf_nc, in_catchment_shapefile, river_id, in_connectivity_file, out_weight_table, area_id=None, file_geodatabase=None, ): """ Create Weight Table for ECMWF Grids .. note:: The grids are in the RAPIDpy package under the gis/lsm_grids folder. Args: in_ecmwf_nc(str): Path to the ECMWF NetCDF grid. in_catchment_shapefile(str): Path to the Catchment shapefile. river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'DrainLnID' or 'LINKNO'). in_connectivity_file(str): The path to the RAPID connectivity file. out_weight_table(str): The path to the output weight table file. area_id(Optional[str]): The name of the field with the area of each catchment stored in meters squared. Default is it calculate the area. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example: .. code:: python from RAPIDpy.gis.weight import CreateWeightTableECMWF CreateWeightTableECMWF(in_ecmwf_nc='/path/to/' in_catchment_shapefile='/path/to/catchment.shp', river_id='LINKNO', in_connectivity_file='/path/to/rapid_connect.csv', out_weight_table='/path/to/ecmwf_weight.csv', ) """ #extract ECMWF GRID data_ecmwf_nc = Dataset(in_ecmwf_nc) variables_list = data_ecmwf_nc.variables.keys() in_ecmwf_lat_var = 'lat' if 'latitude' in variables_list: in_ecmwf_lat_var = 'latitude' in_ecmwf_lon_var = 'lon' if 'longitude' in variables_list: in_ecmwf_lon_var = 'longitude' ecmwf_lon = (data_ecmwf_nc.variables[in_ecmwf_lon_var][:] + 180) % 360 - 180 # convert [0, 360] to [-180, 180] ecmwf_lat = data_ecmwf_nc.variables[in_ecmwf_lat_var][:] #assume [-90,90] data_ecmwf_nc.close() RTreeCreateWeightTable(ecmwf_lat, ecmwf_lon, in_catchment_shapefile, river_id, in_connectivity_file, out_weight_table, file_geodatabase, area_id)
[docs]def CreateWeightTableLDAS(in_ldas_nc, in_nc_lon_var, in_nc_lat_var, in_catchment_shapefile, river_id, in_connectivity_file, out_weight_table, area_id=None, file_geodatabase=None): """ Create Weight Table for NLDAS, GLDAS grids as well as for 2D Joules, or LIS Grids Args: in_ldas_nc(str): Path to the land surface model NetCDF grid. in_nc_lon_var(str): The variable name in the NetCDF file for the longitude. in_nc_lat_var(str): The variable name in the NetCDF file for the latitude. in_catchment_shapefile(str): Path to the Catchment shapefile. river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'DrainLnID' or 'LINKNO'). in_connectivity_file(str): The path to the RAPID connectivity file. out_weight_table(str): The path to the output weight table file. area_id(Optional[str]): The name of the field with the area of each catchment stored in meters squared. Default is it calculate the area. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example: .. code:: python from RAPIDpy.gis.weight import CreateWeightTableLDAS CreateWeightTableLDAS(in_ldas_nc='/path/to/', in_nc_lon_var="lon_110", in_nc_lat_var="lat_110", in_catchment_shapefile='/path/to/catchment.shp', river_id='LINKNO', in_connectivity_file='/path/to/rapid_connect.csv', out_weight_table='/path/to/ldas_weight.csv', ) """ #extract ECMWF GRID data_ldas_nc = Dataset(in_ldas_nc) variables_list = data_ldas_nc.variables.keys() if in_nc_lon_var not in variables_list: raise Exception("Invalid longitude variable. Choose from: {0}".format(variables_list)) if in_nc_lat_var not in variables_list: raise Exception("Invalid latitude variable. Choose from: {0}".format(variables_list)) ldas_lon = data_ldas_nc.variables[in_nc_lon_var][:] #assume [-180, 180] ldas_lat = data_ldas_nc.variables[in_nc_lat_var][:] #assume [-90,90] data_ldas_nc.close() RTreeCreateWeightTable(ldas_lat, ldas_lon, in_catchment_shapefile, river_id, in_connectivity_file, out_weight_table, file_geodatabase, area_id)