Source code for RAPIDpy.gis.workflow

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
##  RAPIDpy
##  Created by Alan D Snow.
##  Based on RAPID_Toolbox for ArcMap
##  Copyright © 2016 Alan D Snow. All rights reserved.
##  License: BSD 3-Clause

import os

from .network import (CreateNetworkConnectivity, CreateNetworkConnectivityTauDEMTree,
                      CreateNetworkConnectivityNHDPlus, CreateSubsetFile)
from .muskingum import (CreateMuskingumKfacFile, CreateMuskingumKFile, 
from .weight import CreateWeightTableECMWF
from .centroid import FlowlineToPoint

[docs]def CreateAllStaticRAPIDFiles(in_drainage_line, river_id, length_id, slope_id, next_down_id, rapid_output_folder, kfac_celerity=1000.0/3600.0, kfac_formula_type=3, kfac_length_units="km", lambda_k=0.35, x_value=0.3, nhdplus=False, taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file=None, file_geodatabase=None ): """ To generate the static RAPID files (rapid_connect.csv, riv_bas_id.csv, kfac.csv, k.csv, x.csv, comid_lat_lon_z.csv) with default values. Args: in_drainage_line(str): Path to the stream network (i.e. Drainage Line) shapefile. river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'HydroID', 'COMID', or 'LINKNO'). length_id(str): The field name containging the length of the river segment (Ex. 'LENGTHKM' or 'Length'). slope_id(str): The field name containging the slope of the river segment (Ex. 'Avg_Slope' or 'Slope'). next_down_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID of the next downstream river segment (Ex. 'NextDownID' or 'DSLINKNO'). rapid_output_folder(str): The path to the folder where all of the RAPID output will be generated. kfac_celerity(Optional[float]): The flow wave celerity for the watershed in meters per second. 1 km/hr or 1000.0/3600.0 m/s is a reasonable value if unknown. kfac_formula_type(Optional[int]): An integer representing the formula type to use when calculating kfac. Default is 3. kfac_length_units(Optional[str]): The units for the length_id field. Supported types are "m" for meters and "km" for kilometers. Default is "km". lambda_k(Optional[float]): The value for lambda given from RAPID after the calibration process. Default is 0.35. x_value(Optional[float]): Value for the muskingum X parameter [0-0.5]. Default is 0.3. nhdplus(Optional[bool]): If True, the drainage line is from the NHDPlus dataset with the VAA fields COMID, FROMNODE, TONODE, and DIVERGENCE. Default is False. taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file(Optional[str]): If set, the connectivity file will be generated from the TauDEM connectivity tree file. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.workflow import CreateAllStaticRAPIDFiles #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__=="__main__": CreateAllStaticRAPIDFiles(in_drainage_line="/path/to/drainage_line.shp", river_id="HydroID", length_id="LENGTHKM", slope_id="SLOPE", next_down_river_id="NextDownID", rapid_output_folder="/path/to/rapid/output", ) """ #RAPID connect file rapid_connect_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'rapid_connect.csv') if nhdplus: CreateNetworkConnectivityNHDPlus(in_drainage_line, rapid_connect_file, file_geodatabase) elif taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file: CreateNetworkConnectivityTauDEMTree(taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file, rapid_connect_file) else: CreateNetworkConnectivity(in_drainage_line, river_id, next_down_id, rapid_connect_file, file_geodatabase) #river basin id file riv_bas_id_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'riv_bas_id.csv') CreateSubsetFile(in_drainage_line, river_id, riv_bas_id_file, file_geodatabase) #kfac file kfac_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'kfac.csv') CreateMuskingumKfacFile(in_drainage_line, river_id, length_id, slope_id, kfac_celerity, kfac_formula_type, rapid_connect_file, kfac_file, length_units=kfac_length_units, file_geodatabase=file_geodatabase) #k file k_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'k.csv') CreateMuskingumKFile(lambda_k, kfac_file, k_file) #x file x_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'x.csv') CreateConstMuskingumXFile(x_value, rapid_connect_file, x_file) #comid lat lon z file comid_lat_lon_z_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'comid_lat_lon_z.csv') FlowlineToPoint(in_drainage_line, river_id, comid_lat_lon_z_file, file_geodatabase)
[docs]def CreateAllStaticECMWFFiles(in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_output_folder, rapid_connect_file, file_geodatabase=None ): """ This creates all of the ECMWF grid weight tables using an area weighted method based on Esri's RAPID_Toolbox. Args: in_catchment(str): Path to the Catchment shapefile. catchment_river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'DrainLnID' or 'LINKNO'). rapid_output_folder(str): The path to the folder where all of the RAPID output will be generated. rapid_connect_file(str): The path to the RAPID connectivity file. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.workflow import CreateAllStaticECMWFFiles #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__=="__main__": CreateAllStaticECMWFFiles(in_catchment="/path/to/catchment.shp", catchment_river_id="DrainLnID", rapid_output_folder="/path/to/rapid/output", rapid_connect_file="/path/to/rapid_connect.csv", ) """ lsm_grid_folder = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'lsm_grids') #create from ECMWF high reslution grid ecmwf_t1279_grid_file = os.path.join(lsm_grid_folder, '') weight_ecmwf_t1279_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'weight_ecmwf_t1279.csv') CreateWeightTableECMWF(ecmwf_t1279_grid_file, in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_connect_file, weight_ecmwf_t1279_file, file_geodatabase=file_geodatabase) #create from ECMWF low reslution grid ecmwf_tco639_grid_file = os.path.join(lsm_grid_folder, '') weight_ecmwf_tco639_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'weight_ecmwf_tco639.csv') CreateWeightTableECMWF(ecmwf_tco639_grid_file, in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_connect_file, weight_ecmwf_tco639_file, file_geodatabase=file_geodatabase) #create from ERA Interim grid era_t511_grid_file = os.path.join(lsm_grid_folder, '') weight_era_t511_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'weight_era_t511.csv') CreateWeightTableECMWF(era_t511_grid_file, in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_connect_file, weight_era_t511_file, file_geodatabase=file_geodatabase)
[docs]def CreateAllStaticECMWFRAPIDFiles(in_drainage_line, river_id, length_id, slope_id, next_down_id, in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_output_folder, kfac_celerity=1000.0/3600.0, kfac_formula_type=3, kfac_length_units="km", lambda_k=0.35, x_value=0.3, nhdplus=False, taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file=None, file_geodatabase=None ): """ This creates all of the static RAPID files and ECMWF grid weight tables. Args: in_drainage_line(str): Path to the stream network (i.e. Drainage Line) shapefile. river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'HydroID', 'COMID', or 'LINKNO'). length_id(str): The field name containging the length of the river segment (Ex. 'LENGTHKM' or 'Length'). slope_id(str): The field name containging the slope of the river segment (Ex. 'Avg_Slope' or 'Slope'). next_down_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID of the next downstream river segment (Ex. 'NextDownID' or 'DSLINKNO'). in_catchment(str): Path to the Catchment shapefile. catchment_river_id(str): The name of the field with the river ID (Ex. 'DrainLnID' or 'LINKNO'). rapid_output_folder(str): The path to the folder where all of the RAPID output will be generated. kfac_celerity(Optional[float]): The flow wave celerity for the watershed in meters per second. 1 km/hr or 1000.0/3600.0 m/s is a reasonable value if unknown. kfac_formula_type(Optional[int]): An integer representing the formula type to use when calculating kfac. Default is 3. kfac_length_units(Optional[str]): The units for the length_id field. Supported types are "m" for meters and "km" for kilometers. Default is "km". lambda_k(Optional[float]): The value for lambda given from RAPID after the calibration process. Default is 0.35. x_value(Optional[float]): Value for the muskingum X parameter [0-0.5]. Default is 0.3. nhdplus(Optional[bool]): If True, the drainage line is from the NHDPlus dataset with the VAA fields COMID, FROMNODE, TONODE, and DIVERGENCE. Default is False. taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file(Optional[str]): If set, the connectivity file will be generated from the TauDEM connectivity tree file. file_geodatabase(Optional[str]): Path to the file geodatabase. If you use this option, in_drainage_line is the name of the stream network feature class. (WARNING: Not always stable with GDAL.) Example:: from RAPIDpy.gis.workflow import CreateAllStaticECMWFRAPIDFiles #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #main process #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if __name__=="__main__": CreateAllStaticECMWFRAPIDFiles(in_drainage_line="/path/to/drainage_line.shp", river_id="HydroID", length_id="LENGTHKM", slope_id="SLOPE", next_down_id="NextDownID", in_catchment="/path/to/catchment.shp", catchment_river_id="DrainLnID", rapid_output_folder="/path/to/rapid/output", ) """ #create all RAPID files CreateAllStaticRAPIDFiles(in_drainage_line, river_id, length_id, slope_id, next_down_id, rapid_output_folder, kfac_celerity, kfac_formula_type, kfac_length_units, lambda_k, x_value, nhdplus, taudem_network_connectivity_tree_file, file_geodatabase) rapid_connect_file = os.path.join(rapid_output_folder, 'rapid_connect.csv') CreateAllStaticECMWFFiles(in_catchment, catchment_river_id, rapid_output_folder, rapid_connect_file, file_geodatabase)