Source code for RAPIDpy.postprocess.goodness_of_fit

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  RAPIDpy
#  Created by Alan D Snow 2015.
#  License: BSD 3-Clause

from __future__ import print_function
from csv import writer as csvwriter
import numpy as np

from ..dataset import RAPIDDataset

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# statistic functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def filter_nan(s, o):
        this functions removed the data  from simulated and observed data
        whereever the observed data contains nan
        this is used by all other functions, otherwise they will produce nan as
    data = np.array([s.flatten(),o.flatten()])
    data = np.transpose(data)
    data = data[~np.isnan(data).any(1)]
    return data[:,0],data[:,1]

def pc_bias(s, o):
        Percent Bias
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        pc_bias: percent bias
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return 100.0*np.sum(s-o)/np.sum(o)

def apb(s, o):
        Absolute Percent Bias
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        apb_bias: absolute percent bias
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return 100.0*np.sum(np.abs(s-o))/np.sum(o)

def rmse(s, o):
        Root Mean Squared Error
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        rmses: root mean squared error
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return np.sqrt(np.mean((s-o)**2))

def mae(s, o):
        Mean Absolute Error
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        maes: mean absolute error
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return np.mean(np.abs(s-o))

def bias(s, o):
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        bias: bias
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return np.mean(s-o)

def NS(s, o):
        Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        ns: Nash Sutcliffe efficient coefficient
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return 1 - np.sum((s-o)**2)/np.sum((o-np.mean(o))**2)

def L(s, o, N=5):
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        L: likelihood
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    return np.exp(-N*np.sum((s-o)**2)/np.sum((o-np.mean(o))**2))

def correlation(s, o):
        correlation coefficient
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        correlation: correlation coefficient
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    if s.size == 0:
        corr = np.NaN
        corr = np.corrcoef(o, s)[0,1]
    return corr

def index_agreement(s, o):
        index of agreement
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        ia: index of agreement
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    ia = 1 -(np.sum((o-s)**2))/(np.sum((np.abs(s-np.mean(o))+np.abs(o-np.mean(o)))**2))
    return ia

def KGE(s, o):
        Kling-Gupta Efficiency
        s: simulated
        o: observed
        kge: Kling-Gupta Efficiency
        cc: correlation
        alpha: ratio of the standard deviation
        beta: ratio of the mean
    # s,o = filter_nan(s,o)
    cc = correlation(s,o)
    alpha = np.std(s)/np.std(o)
    beta = np.sum(s)/np.sum(o)
    kge = 1- np.sqrt( (cc-1)**2 + (alpha-1)**2 + (beta-1)**2 )
    return kge, cc, alpha, beta


# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Time Series comparison functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def find_goodness_of_fit(rapid_qout_file, reach_id_file, observed_file, out_analysis_file, daily=False, steps_per_group=1): """ Finds the goodness of fit comparing observed streamflow in a rapid Qout file with simulated flows in a csv file. Args: rapid_qout_file(str): Path to the RAPID Qout file. reach_id_file(str): Path to file with river reach ID's associate with the RAPID Qout file. It is in the format of the RAPID observed flows reach ID file. observed_file(str): Path to input csv with with observed flows corresponding to the RAPID Qout. It is in the format of the RAPID observed flows file. out_analysis_file(str): Path to the analysis output csv file. daily(Optional[bool]): If True and the file is CF-Compliant, it will compare the *observed_file* with daily average flow from Qout. Default is False. Example with CF-Compliant RAPID Qout file: .. code:: python import os from RAPIDpy.postprocess import find_goodness_of_fit INPUT_DATA_PATH = '/path/to/data' reach_id_file = os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_PATH, 'obs_reach_id.csv') observed_file = os.path.join(INPUT_DATA_PATH, 'obs_flow.csv') cf_input_qout_file = os.path.join(COMPARE_DATA_PATH, '') cf_out_analysis_file = os.path.join(OUTPUT_DATA_PATH, 'cf_goodness_of_fit_results-daily.csv') find_goodness_of_fit(cf_input_qout_file, reach_id_file, observed_file, cf_out_analysis_file, daily=True) """ reach_id_list = np.loadtxt(reach_id_file, delimiter=",", usecols=(0,), ndmin=1, dtype=np.int32) data_nc = RAPIDDataset(rapid_qout_file) # analyze and write observed_table = np.loadtxt(observed_file, ndmin=2, delimiter=",", usecols=tuple(range(reach_id_list.size))) with open(out_analysis_file, 'w') as outcsv: writer = csvwriter(outcsv) writer.writerow(["reach_id", "percent_bias", "abs_percent_bias", "rmse", "mae", "bias", "NSE", "likelihood", "correlation_coeff", "index_agreement", "KGE"]) for index, reach_id in enumerate(reach_id_list): observed_array = observed_table[:, index] simulated_array = data_nc.get_qout(reach_id, daily=daily) # make sure they are the same length simulated_array = simulated_array[:len(observed_array)] observed_array = observed_array[:len(simulated_array)] simulated_array,observed_array = filter_nan(simulated_array,observed_array) writer.writerow([reach_id, pc_bias(simulated_array, observed_array), apb(simulated_array, observed_array), rmse(simulated_array, observed_array), mae(simulated_array, observed_array), bias(simulated_array, observed_array), NS(simulated_array, observed_array), L(simulated_array, observed_array), correlation(simulated_array, observed_array), index_agreement(simulated_array, observed_array), KGE(simulated_array, observed_array)[0]])
[docs]def find_goodness_of_fit_csv(observed_simulated_file, out_file=None): """ Finds the goodness of fit comparing observed and simulated flows In the file, the first column is the observed flows and the second column is the simulated flows. Example:: 33.5, 77.2 34.7, 73.0 Args: observed_simulated_file(str): Path to the csv file with the observed and simulated flows. out_file(Optional[str]): Path to output file. If not provided, it will print to console. Example: .. code:: python from RAPIDpy.postprocess import find_goodness_of_fit_csv find_goodness_of_fit_csv('/united_kingdom-thames/flows_kingston_gage_noah.csv') """ observed_simulated_table = np.loadtxt(observed_simulated_file, ndmin=2, delimiter=",", usecols=(0,1)) observed_array, simulated_array = filter_nan(observed_simulated_table[:, 0], observed_simulated_table[:, 1]) # print error indices if out_file: print_file = open(out_file, 'w') else: print_file = None print("\n".join([ "Percent Bias: {0}".format(pc_bias(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Absolute Percent Bias: {0}".format(apb(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Root Mean Squared Error: {0}".format(rmse(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Mean Absolute Error: {0}".format(mae(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Bias: {0}".format(bias(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient: {0}".format(NS(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Likelihood: {0}".format(L(simulated_array, observed_array)), "correlation coefficient: {0}".format(correlation(simulated_array, observed_array)), "index of agreement: {0}".format(index_agreement(simulated_array, observed_array)), "Kling-Gupta Efficiency: {0}".format(KGE(simulated_array, observed_array)[0]), ]), file=print_file) if print_file: print_file.close()